TIRRA Communications Committee
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7:57AM

This is an umbrella that covers several different and independent sub-committees. The main function of the chair of this committee is to be the one to sit on the TIRRA board. That person can also be the one doing one or more of the other jobs if they like (many of which I've been doing, because I like! - VS), but they don't have to - they can just represent the other subcommittees when it comes to board meetings.

The Communications Chair covers, and we've already talked about, e-Spokes, the phone book, Visitors' Guide and the website. The other activities that come under this umbrella are the Welcome package and helping the secretary on the electronic side with sending out bulk emails to announce meetings. The Welcome package collects essential information about the island, some back issues of the Quarterly, and a phone book, to present to new permanent residents on the island.

A Community that can't communicate isn't a community. TIRRA is the underpinning of so many of the things that support our daily lives, but we don't always look deep enough to see and appreciate them. But we'll sure notice if we lose them! So please "think on these things", and join us...

Thank you for reading,
TIRRA Executive Board

Article originally appeared on Thetis Blog (https://www.thetisposts.ca/).
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