Invasive Species Removal at Fairyslipper Forest – Join Us!
Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 8:05AM

Hello Thetis Islanders,

It's that time again! Volunteers are invited to join us for ThINC's Annual Invasive Plant Removal weekend on Saturday March 8th and/or Sunday March 9th between 10am and 2pm. We'll be concentrating on removing broom under the power lines and along North Cove Road adjacent to the Fairyslipper Forest Nature Reserve. Meet at the parking lot (across from The Portal). The more hands we have, the more we can accomplish! Please bring gloves, pruning tools, and a lunch if you plan to stay for the duration.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at

Thanks so much for your support!
Charlotte - ThINC Education and Stewardship Coordinator

Article originally appeared on Thetis Blog (
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