Welcome to thetisposts.ca
Feel free to send us bits & pieces of information and interest, photos to share and notices of upcoming events etc.
Use the contact page or e-mail us directly.
Farewell Soup's On for Ken & Beth Bolster ~ Wednesday ~ October 24th
This coming week's Soup's On will be a Farewell Lunch for our dear friends and neighbours, Ken & Beth Bolster, who are moving away at the end of this month.
Please join us to say good-bye and to share lunch.
As well as lunch, we will have some baked offerings on the Cooks' Bake Sale table.
Lunch Menu:
Midwest Chowder
Pumpkin Cardamom Bread
Tasty Treats
Teas & Pot of Gold Coffee (thanks, Nan!)
By donation ($5 suggested)
See you then!
Local Trust Committee Regular Business Meeting
Please note that the November 21, 2012 Local Trust Committee Meeting will start at 10:45 AM instead of the usual 1:00 pm start time.
The meeting will still be held at Forbes Hall.
New Books at the Library
There are several new books in the library as of Wed. One is ‘An Irish Country Wedding’. One of our patrons asked for more books by this author and this is his newest. Check the new books out.
Fire Prevention Week is Over...
You practiced two ways out of every room so that at dark o'thirty with smoke and heat you won't have to think about how to leave. And I know you tested your smoke alarms this month already, confirming they are working so you will have time to get out. Thanks for lowering the risk of losing you as a friend and neighbour.
Fire Chief J. Caldbeck
Community Readers ~ Thetis Island School
The young readers at Thetis Island School welcome members of the community to come and read (one on one) for 20 minutes with them either first thing in the morning (8:30) or right after lunch (12:30).
To coordinate a time or day that works for you or for more information,
please contact Ruth Kempe at 250-246-3847
House Key ~ returned to owner!
~ on Foster Pt Rd on Monday Oct 15 ~
Contact 250 246 2469
Fire Permit Update
Hand Piled Yard Waste burn piles and approved incinerators will be allowed with a Fire Permit beginning October 15th. Permit Pager number is 715-9131 between 9 am and 5 pm. or click here to apply.
Quarterly Deadline approaching!
This is just a reminder that the deadline for the next Quarterly is November 1st for ads, and November 10th for stories, notices, articles, etc etc. If you need to fudge the deadline a bit because of an event coming after, be sure I know about it by the 10th, and we'll negotiate a cut-off date. Thanks everyone!
Thetis Island (Recycle) Appreciation Day Celebration
Given the rainy weather, our turnout was very good. We had fun and games, great music, some even danced! Coffee and donuts were on hand throughout the event.
The winners of the guessing contest..."How many kilograms of garbage is taken of Thetis Island annually?" The actual amount is 60,000 kg. Closest guesses were Nan Beal (52,000) and Alex Rozewica (77,000).
Very special thanks to Vicki Walker and Stepanie Cottell for organizing this celebration.
Thanks to Peter Rutenburg for volunteering in place of Tim French for the day.
Thanks Chad Kerr for your help in set-up and clean-up.
Thank you to Aislinn Cottell for the recycle art project.
Thank you Dave Tarris of the TIVFD for traffic control and cleanup.
Thanks to Ron Banister for being such a good sport.
Thanks to Myla Frankel for supervising the "Fish Pond Challenge"
Thank you to Jollity Farm for donating the donuts won as prizes and for setting up their veggie/fruit stand in the pouring rain.
Thank you Nan Beals for donating coffee (once again!)
Special Request
Volunteers are Needed...If you can spare two hours a month there are a number of easy, but important, tasks that need our support, so please consider giving two hours a month.
Thanks again.
The Thetis Island Solid Waste (Sanitation) Committee