Recycling Orientation Sessions ~ 10AM Saturdays
Learn to face the strange Ch-Ch-Changes!
Perplexed by all the sorting changes at the Recycling? Join us for General Orientation Sessions at 10am on Saturdays throughout August and September!
Mark your Calendars for Special Guest Facilitator Ann Eriksson:
Everything you need to know about Plastic!
August 25, 10am
Ann has been researching Plastic; the health and environmental impacts of it's rampant use, and viable alternatives for the significant role plastic now plays in our society. She's coming to share what she's been learning with us: DON'T MISS OUT!
Recycling Changes in Brief:
There are several reasons why we have adopted new sorting practices at our community recycling hub. As you may already know, the plastics and their associated numbers are all reprocessed differently, as well as the different types of paper products and metal. With the appropriate equipment now on site we can decrease the volume of loads by compressing each type of material into bales. Some of the materials are valuable resources that have the potential for revenue. However, materials must be sorted thoroughly and properly for our system to receive income for these resources. Revenue from our 'former waste' is integral to offsetting the cost of the system.
You can help reduce (or at least keep down) the operational costs associated with increased sorting by:
~ learning to recognize the different categories
~ taking the time to presort your recycling at home
~ bringing it to the site during open hours on Wednesday and Saturday.