BC Hydro Notice & Addendum
To ensure public and worker safety and electrical system reliability, BC Hydro contractors inspect wood power poles along distribution lines and carry out treatment if required. Poles that have been in service for at least 14 years (lodgepole pine) and 20 years (western red cedar) are inspected, tested for strength and treated near ground level with wood preservative to prevent and/or stop decay. Untreated poles typically have a service life of only 30 years, while treated poles can last up to 70 years, conserving demand on our forest resources.
Wood poles will be inspected and treated along distribution lines between November 1, 2012 and March 15, 2013 on Thetis Island.
Wood preservatives used are approved and registered for utility wood poles by Health Canada. Contractors are certified and licensed by the BC Ministry of Environment, and work is completed under the direction of BC Hydro in accordance with BC Hydro's Pest Management Plan for Wood Structure Maintenance, No. 105-0976-09/14.
For more information, contact: Raymond Irving, Field Manager at Raymond.Irving@bchydro.com.
As an addendum to this public notice:
The local trust committee was given a set of flags to give out for use by anyone who would like to post them at a pole for which treatment might interfere with the health of an unmapped well, organic garden, or other concerns. Please contact me, Sue French, 250-416-0373,sfrench@islandstrust.bc.ca for flags or more information.
I will be sending out more information to the farms on Thetis - anyone else interested as well just let me know and I'll forward the information to you too.
Sue French, local trustee
Islands Trust
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