TIRRA / TICA 2012 Membership Fees
Monday, May 14, 2012 at 1:49PM
Thetis Island Residents and Ratepayers Association & Thetis Island Community Association
Just a reminder.....if you have not paid your membership fees, you can fill out the form found at
Do it now! If you cannot download and/or print the form, contact Matt Hess who will send you a copy! Email him at:
Thetis Island Residents' and Ratepayers' Association (TIRRA): Your membership fee covers administration costs incurred by volunteers who look after ongoing public issues such as highways, ferries, community planning, operation of St. Margaret's Cemetery, disaster survival plans, and oversight of the solid waste system.
Thetis Island Community Association (TICA): Forbes Hall Community Centre is the home for a wide variety of community activities and services. Your membership helps maintain Forbes Hall, its tennis court, outside play area, community library & Internet privileges. Your membership also includes a subscription to the Thetis Island
Quarterly. TICA is administered by a volunteer board elected by its membership.
Quarterly. TICA is administered by a volunteer board elected by its membership.
Please support the important goals of these Thetis Island organizations and the volunteer Board Members.
Can't remember if you paid this year? Contact
TIRRA Treasurer Kevin Galbraith at
TICA President Matt Hess at
If you have already paid, Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
(Note: Kevin has been collecting the fees for both organizations, but this job is scheduled to be turned over to TICA in the near future.)
Another reminder: The TICA Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 24, 2012 ... 7:30 PM at Forbes Hall. Members will be receiving handouts by mail in advance regarding proposed By-law changes. Other important matters, such as the Hall Internet service, will be discussed. Your attendance at the meeting and your input would be appreciated.
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