ThINC ~ Salmon Confidential ~ April 12th
film & discussion with Alexandra Morton
Friday, April 12th 7pm
Dear Nature Centre Estuary friends,
We hope you will join us at the Nature Centre this coming Friday, April 12th at 7pm to viewSalmon Confidential, the must-see documentary produced by Salmon Are Sacred and Twyla Roscovich, a passionate filmmaker dedicated to raising awareness about issues on the BC Coast. Biologist Alexandra Morton and Twyla will be in attendance to talk with us and answer questions after the film.
Salmon Confidential follows Alexandra Morton as she unravels the mysteries of BC's declining salmon stocks using some of the world's top fish research laboratories. What she uncovers will shock anyone who cares about our fish and all that depends on them. This 70-minute film documents Morton's journey as she attempts to overcome roadblocks thrown up by government agencies and bring critical information to the public in time to save BC's wild salmon. Learn about our changing coastal ecology, grassroots science-based activism, and the inner workings of the agencies tasked with overseeing our fish and the safety of our food supply. Doors open at 6:30. Admission by donation to support Salmon Are Sacred.
See you there!
Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre, Hecate Park, 1845 Cowichan Bay Rd., Cowichan Bay
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