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Saturday, May 3

Forbes Hall




11:30 - 1:00

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Why We Need TIRRA... the Visitors' Guide

The Visitors' Guide was started to provide a low-cost brochure where small island businesses and services could be listed and their contact information made available to visitors to the island. It's freely distributed from island businesses like the marinas and shops, and at the Chemainus Visitors' Information Centre, and from the ferry booth.

It's a venue where, for instance, the Fire Department can put in some guidelines, and TIRRA can put in reminders about things like garbage disposal. It's just a useful service. Doing it does require some familiarity with a layout program, but it's a pretty simple template to use. Or you can change the template if you want to try out a new idea. The point is just to keep it very affordable and an even playing field for the local businesses (the cost of listing is just the printing cost - an even split among all participants on a per-line basis.)

I started it after I heard a few people saying how useful something like that would be, and Grae and I had just started our B&B so we were looking for ways to advertise that would also serve other businesses like ours. Now, after about 20 years, it seemed like a good idea to have it sit under TIRRA's umbrella, so it can carry on.

Thanks for reading!

(another in the series of short notes on what TIRRA does for us all, and why we need it.)

Veronica for the TIRRA Executive Board

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