Keep the Numbers Low and your Home in Good Shape!?!

Without my most experienced helper 'Mounzer' the challenge is on ->> keeping the rodent numbers low. And this is not just to protect my vegetable! A common misunderstanding is that people believe if they don't see any rodents or droppings there are no rodents around. Totally WRONG!! When you see droppings inside your home or any building the rodents moved already in and 'established residence'. Now the mice we have on the island - Deer Mouse in the thousands - enjoy getting into any food and destroy and spoil all kind of stuff. And the invasive rats we have additionally eat bird eggs/chicks too. Which by the way squirrels do too! They certainly do a lot of damage. But the worst/most important to know they and their droppings transmit decease/viruses. Our Deer Mouse, I have them in the traps around our outbuildings/dome nearly daily(yesterday even 5!!), they transmit among other the Hantavirus. And this virus is known in Canada and really serious. However, all doesn't come or show up overnight but like everything in nature any outbreak comes with numbers. In the last two weeks alone, I caught already over 50 mice - most Deer Mice!?! I am slowly getting better in the catching and learned! :) Hazelnut butter is a magical attractant!! But it seems the numbers of mice is growing. Last year in total it was less even with the help of 'Mounzer'. If you need help tips and tricks on the 'how to catch' just contact me. No Charge!! :)
But please DO NOT use poison because this will kill their predator and pets too AND you have the dead rodents rotting in the walls and everywhere. I guess there are some homeowners who know how that's like.
Following is a nice website - I think - how to identify our rodents:
And some info about web links!! https link = Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protects the data from being accessed and altered by hackers (it has secure connection >>Secure Socket Layer (SSL)!). Never use sites which use 'HTTP' only!!
Good Hunting!