Welcome to thetisposts.ca
Feel free to send us bits & pieces of information and interest, photos to share and notices of upcoming events etc.
Use the contact page or e-mail us directly.
FAC Public Consultation page...
Please note that the Ferry Advisory Committee has added a Public Consultation Page (click here)
Keith Rush, FAC
Thetis Island Nature Conservancy: ThINC
Please join us for a community information meeting to learn about ThINC's purposes, activities and projects.
Saturday, July 7th ~ 2:00PM ~ Forbes Hall (Please note the time change from what was previously advertised in the recent Quarterly article.)
Ann Eriksson
Thanks from Gloria & Tom...
Schedule Change for Little Island Aikikai
For July, Thursday classes will be held on Wednesdays from 3PM ~ 4:30PM July 11, 18 & 25.
for more information on Aikido Classes, click here.
Thetis Island Sail Past ~ July 1st
Boats leave Thetis Island Marina at 1:30
Dinner 6:00PM at Don & Gwen's
Tickets $10.00 each ~ pay Darlene before dinner!
Music by "Blitz"
Join the Fun!
Don & Gwen
Andy McCormick Concert ~ Telegraph Harbour Marina
Sunday, July 1st 2PM ~ 5PM
Andy with his band, Tropic Mayhem, will be playing during the afternoon. Come and enjoy an appetizer, lunch, an afternoon refreshment, or simply sit back and enjoy the music.
Scratch Pancake / Waffle Recipe
Jeannine Caldbeck shares her recipe for summer berry pancakes or waffles. The recipe is seasoned with Thetis Island flavour!