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Islands Trust Update on Mari-culture Lease Application ~ Peter Luckham

In light of the interest and concerns regarding the navigation channel and the potential to dredge "The Cut" in the future, I moved the following two motions by Resolution Without Meeting(RWM) today. The local Trust committee supported these motions unanimously, and I thank my co-trustees for the support. The intent of the motions is to seek confirmation from the Provincial and Federal Government authorities having jurisdiction, that the navigational channel will be maintained and the potential to dredge "the Cut" in the future remains possible despite the issuance of the License of Occupation for the purposes of Mariculture. 

The following RWM has passed in favour:

“THAT the Thetis Island Local Trust Committee ask staff to communicate with Transport Canada and request written confirmation that despite the issuance of a License of Occupation for the purposes of Mariculture (Clam and Oyster) in the Navigation Channel between Thetis and Penelakut Islands, the /Navigation Protection Act/ will continue to protect the right of the public to use this channel for the purposes of navigation.” 

The following RWM has passed in favour:

“THAT the Thetis Island Local Trust Committee ask staff to communicate with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resources and request written confirmation that in the future an application for dredging of the Navigation Channel between Thetis and Penelakut Islands, if applied for by local government or another agency with community support, would "not be approved" solely on the basis that the area has a License of Occupation for the purposes of Mariculture.”

I will remind readers that the Trustees are still unable to receive new information due to the post public hearing requirements and thank you all for respecting this.

However if new substantive information is received by staff from the Provincial or Federal agencies as a result of these letters the application may be reconsidered.

Peter Luckham, Trustee, Thetis Island Trust Area.

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