Mosquito Larvae Tips from TIRRA

With recent rains and current warm temperatures, now is the time to start checking around your home and property for mosquito larval habitat.
• Look for standing water in old tires, buckets, tarps, boats, anything that can hold water. Empty or drain the water out.
• Refill your birdbath with fresh clean water.
• Cover or screen rain barrels.
• Check your gutters for blocked or partially blocked downspouts. Clean your gutters so there is no sludge or decomposing material that larvae feed on.
Mosquitoes can lay hundreds of eggs in less than an inch deep of water. It takes about a week for the larvae to hatch. Shallow water can warm up quickly in the sun and provide perfect habitat for mosquitoes to lay eggs over and over again in the same location, multiplying the nuisance.
TIRRA Executive

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