Islands Trust ~ From Easton Vance re Islands Trust Budget

January 26 2015
via e-mail to Jas Chonk Exec Sec. Islands Trust
This is in response to your request for comment on subject budget via our local eSPOKES net.
Last year you reported a miniscule response to a similar request. I believe this was due to residents of the trust area being knowledgeable about their own locale and it's needs but not the area as a whole.
Actively involving island residents with local trustees in producing a budget that conforms to their wishes and the overarching requirements of government, prior to submission to council, would produce informed residents and a cost effective work plan.
Similarly cost effective would be the use of existing Government agencies to undertake work the Trust has in the past contracted out to the private sector.
Over the last decade The Trust budget has doubled. The origins of this bloat can be seen in the present proposed budget, wherein $7,000,000 is Input in order to Output a mere $300,000 worth of projects.
A procedure guaranteed to induce fiscal constipation.
E Vance

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